Freelance Marketing Celebrates 18 Years
It's well known that many small businesses disappear within the first 18 months of operation. When you consider that, reaching 18 years is quite a milestone. That's just what Freelance Marketing is celebrating from June 2016.
Set up in 1998 to offer a flexible marketing resource, both for corporate project teams and businesses with no internal marketing function, Freelance Marketing still works with many of the same clients, who cover a variety of market sectors and functions. That has meant involvement in very diverse projects across the full range of marketing services.
An anniversary celebration is a time to reflect on what has been achieved, to celebrate successes and to consider how to adapt to emerging market opportunities. However, it's also a time to say thank you to our customers, partners and associates, without whom non of this would have been possible. Building enduring relationships remains central to our business ethos. So thank you.
To mark turning '18', the company is drawing up an 18-point hit list of internal activities - a mix of fun and business focus, designed to make this a truly memorable year.