Objective customer feedback is vital in order to understand how your brand & products/services are perceived in relation to your competitors and can lead to competitive advantage. If you have a number of different customer segments, then evaluating if/how they differ in their purchasing preferences & requirements will also ensure you always have the right offer for each group. It will also make your marketing communications much more effective, as the most appropriate messages will resonate.
We employ a variety of qualitative & quantitative research methodologies to suit the project and typically work with targeted, select samples to provide ‘deep dive’ insights, designed to answer the ‘why?’ This primarily involves direct, first-hand feedback from the target market and includes:
- Focus Groups/Discussion Forums: Online or face-to-face sessions, including mini-groups of 3-4 people.
- 1 to 1 Interviews: for in-depth probing, either by Teams/Skype/Zoom, telephone, or face-to-face. Includes interviews with sector 'experts.'
- Online Surveys: ideal for gathering a mix of qualitative and quantitative feedback from individual respondents, with potential to follow up with in-depth interviews.
- Channel Audits: we also employ our research skills to visit key retail or trade channels, visited by your own customer groups, to further understand emerging trends & competitor activity.
We'd love to discuss how we can help you.
Freelance Marketing’s approach enables total objectivity in gathering customer and prospective customer feedback. We explore underlying attitudes and perceptions which are crucial to conscious (and subconscious) decision making.
We have experience of B2B and B2C interviewing techniques, including:
- Senior Company Decision Makers & Executives via one-to-one in-depth interviews and focus groups, to gather insights on purchasing criteria, partner/supplier choice and key market/industry trends.
- Consumers via one-to-one interviews, focus groups, in-home visits & accompanied shopping trips. This rounded approach facilitates probing for new product ideas and also observation of consumer behaviour in a real world context. This can really help with understanding and interpretation of their implicit and subconscious motivations in product choice.
Take a look at some of our case studies.